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Complaints on Police Tactics Reviewed

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

Citizen panel gathers feedback on crowd control practices

A Portland demonstrator is arrested during a Black Lives Matter protest on Aug. 30. Portland’s Citizen Review Committee is now reviewing if police are using appropriate tactics for crowd control during protests and want to hear from the public who have experienced or witnessed crowd control tactics by Portland Police over the last three years, but especially within the last few months. AP photo

Crowd control tactics used by Portland Police at recent and past protests are being investigated by citizens serving on the Portland Citizen Review Committee, a volunteer based panel charged under the City Auditor office with improving police accountability and promoting high standards and increasing public confidence in police services.

A special Crowd Control and Use of Force Workgroup of the committee is now examining existing Portland Police Bureau crowd control policies, training, and tactics as it reviews crowd control best practices, legal standards and makes appropriate recommendations, officials reported Tuesday.

As part of the review of how Portland police have responded to the protests, the workgroup is seeking feedback directly from the community.

If you experienced or witnessed the exercise of crowd control tactics by the PPB at any event in the last three years, but especially within the last few months, you’re invited to complete a survey the group is conducting by Monday, Sept. 14 at 5 p.m.

For more information, email or visit the Citizen Review Committee website at

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