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NO to Recriminalization!

Portland Observer
Expanding access to treatment

Larry Turner in support of the Health Justice Recovery Alliance

The new law will utilize and expand existing community-based providers as Behavioral Health Resource Networks to provide services throughout the state to immediately assess the needs of people who use drugs and link them to treatment, care and services. Drug possession has been decriminalized, reducing criminal possession offenses from misdemeanors to civil infractions. Instead of arrests and criminal records, people found to be possessing small amounts of drugs will be cited and fined $100. They will be given the phone number for a 24/7 support line to connect them with a local peer support specialist. The peer will conduct a social services needs assessment. Upon completion, their fine will be waived and they will be linked to vital services. Call (503) 575-3769 to reach the support line.

The new law will increases access to vital services, including Behavioral Health Treatment that is evidence-based, trauma-informed, culturally specific, linguistically accessible, and patient-centered; Peer support and recovery services designed to help people remain clean and sober; Housing for persons with Substance Use Disorder; Harm reduction interventions including overdose prevention, access to naloxone hydrochloride and other drug education and outreach Services will be paid for with grants from excess cannabis tax revenue above $45 million a year and law enforcement savings.

The Act establishes an Oversight and Accountability Council composed of people with lived experience and addiction and service delivery experts. Supported by the Oregon Health Authority, the Council will determine how funds will be distributed to grant applicants for increasing community access to care. The Secretary of State will conduct financial and performance audits every two years. The Act does not legalize any drugs.

It removes criminal penalties for low-level possession of all drugs, currently classified as misdemeanors, replacing them with a fine. These fines can be waived by being evaluated at Behavioral Health Resource Networks, which will be made available in all parts of the state, 24 hours a day. No change is made in the criminal code for delivery, manufacture, and other commercial drug offenses. These offenses will remain a crime. No change is made for other crimes that may be associated with drug use, such as driving under the influence and theft.


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