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Showing out on the Catwalk!

Portland Observer
Urban League Seniors Shine at Semi-Annual Fashion Show

Photos by Antonio Harris and Zoe Holman-Kragero

The Urban League elders stepped out stylishly at their Spring Fashion Show on Thursday, May 30th. The twice-yearly event took place at the Urban League Senior Center at 5325 NE Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, OR 97211. The center is only culturally-specific senior service program in the state serving Black elders and others.

Before the show, seniors and guests played bingo and fellowshipped over coffee, tea and a nutritious lunch provided by Meals on Wheels. All of the senior models wore styled themselves in their own garments to walk the runaway to favorite R&B/Soul classics from the 70s through 90s. Afterwards, each model had their photo taken by Antonio Harris Photography. The AARP, a regular collaborator for this event, recruited models who shared the runway with Urban League program participants and staff.

For over 20 years, the Urban League Senior Services program and the Meals on Wheels MLK site have partnered to provide food, activities, and social services for both congregate and home bound clients. This partnership has allowed Black and other elders to remain socially engaged while having their nutritional needs met.

The Urban League of Portland helps seniors live safely in their homes and communities while assisting them with social supports, transportation, and daily connection. In addition to a robust programming schedule, the Urban League of Portland also provides elders with some health care and preventative services including blood pressure checks, free mammograms, and healthy cooking classes.

The next Urban League Senior Fashion Show is in December 2024. For more information on how to become a model, or Urban League of Portland’s older adults programming, visit or call 971-279-2604. 

                        The Portland Observer
                    1727 NE 13th Ave, Unit 201 
                        Portland,  Oregon 97212

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      Committed to Cultural Diversity 

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