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163 items found for "tele@KOREATALK77◁테더무통테더전송대행◁주민등록증제작테더무통테더전송대행주민등록증제작"
- My Picks for Best Films of 2018
By telling a particular family's story extremely well, this brilliant film finds a way to surface the deserves the most focused attention, as it shifts back and forth between locations and time periods to tell
- Relieved the Truth Prevailed
“I’m telling you today, these allegations are false, and to be frank, these allegations are very suspicious
- Biden Offers a Chance for Real Heroism: ‘When We Get Knocked Down, We Get Back Up!’
demoralized by a system awarding the hellish and punishing the good folks who believe there is nobility in telling
- TriMet Honors Rosa Parks
“When people wonder why fares are not being collected on this day, we’ll be able to tell them that Rosa
- Stepping Up and Standing Up
An angry, gentle Black woman,” who knows how to channel that passion into constructive action,' she tells “She was supposed to be a stay-at-home mama, but she went to the streets, telling other mothers why they
- Light Your Candle in the Darkness
It is so important not to let ourselves off the hook or to become apathetic or cynical by telling ourselves
- On Love, History and Bullying
Renee Mitchell’s “Three by Ten & More” a series of readings that that tell powerful stories about love
- In Loving Memory
He loved to tell his grandkids stories and always wanted to make sure they were studying hard and learning
- Apology Issued 73 Years after Vanport
He said it was important to tell the truth, that HAP didn’t want anything to do with Vanport when it
- Black Men Share Hopes, Dreams
declaring that Black stories exist in Portland and that we are masters of those stories, and we can tell
- Candidate Takes Aim at Incumbent Blumenauer
“It’s lip-service progressivism, telling you what you want to hear, but he's doing the exact opposite
- Inspiring Homage to a Destroyed Culture, History
That family story offers a window into the sort of secrets that survivors of war often carry without telling